Thank you to all those individuals and sponsors who made the "Random Acts of Kindness" event a success. 496 cooler bags full of goodies were distributed to law enforcement men and women all over the state!
Orange County FOP Lodge 93-United Badges Insurance Services-Girl Scouts of Citrus Council-Florida Sheriff's Assoc.-Correct Care Solutions-Keefe Group-Armor Correctional Health Serv.-Butterfly Promotional Solutions-Safer Watch-Cross Life Church Oviedo-Advanced Dermatology-Alligator Bay Distillers-

Order the number of cooler bags you want to give away.
COOLER BAGS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR PICK UP ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 1ST. You will be able to drive up and get your bags without getting out of your car. We will be taking all CDC Covid-19 precautions.
10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. - Valencia College School of Public Safety
8600 Valencia College Lane
Orlando, FL 32825
2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Chain of Lakes Park
210 Cypress Gardens Blvd. SW
Winter Haven, FL 33880

Support Our Charitable Golf Tournament
Gold Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Michael Callin Memorial Golf Tournament
You can lend your support to the Michael Callin Memorial Scholarship Fund, Inc., a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, by supporting our 2019 Memorial Golf Tournament. This fundraising event will be held on August 2, 2019 at the Grand Cypress Golf Club in Orlando, Florida.
If you need overnight accomodations
Group rates are available for Hampton Inn Lake Buena Vista, 8150 Palm Parkway Orlando, Florida for $89 plus tax. To receive this discounted rate, please make your reservations by July 1st.
For hotel accommodations, call 407-597-5551 or register online by clicking the link above
Registration -$130 per Player

Luncheon Only - $35
Don't golf or only have time for the Awards Luncheon, Register here.
Become a Sponsor
Gold Sponsor $4000--Silver Sponsor $2500--Bronze Sponsor $1500--
Player Gift Sponsor $1200--Snack/Drink Station Sponsor $500--Hole Sponsor $100

Purchase your "Hole For Heroes" Flag
Please scroll down and fill out the form below. In the message section, list the Name, Agency and EOW of the hero you are honoring.
Duplicate flags may be ordered for $35.00 each (stand not included) Deadline July 12th!